
homepage dashboard graphs

I was hoping to save the Placement Rate and Days To Placement from “Last Year” to “Year to Date” on my homepage dashboard. The default is last year and I'd prefer to vie this year (as that is the year I'm working in)

See screnshot attached

insert winky face

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  • May 21 2020
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    Clockwork Product commented
    May 04, 2021 21:01

    Thank you for being an invested Clockwork User!

    We released some Home View improvements today. Included in that release is that ability to change the date and user focus filters on Days to Placement and Placement Rate. You can review the list of projects that correspond to each of the graphs by clicking on them. You can also save your settings by using the down arrow in the top right hand of the screen.

    There is also the ability to move your Home View cards to different locations, based on your personal preferences. Use the move icon next to the save icon in the top right, drag and drop the cards to your desired location and save!

    Thank you!

    Clockwork Product Team