
Have contact grabber work for companies

Contact Grabber for Companies in LinkedIn just like for people. Populate data in the companies so it's a little more robust.

  • Guest
  • Aug 12 2020
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Gerd DeBeer commented
    March 23, 2021 18:01

    Ezekia is a platform out of the UK and they have a tool (contact grabber) that successfully imports company data from LinkedIn into their platform

  • Admin
    Clockwork Product commented
    February 24, 2021 20:33

    Thank you for the interest in improving Clockwork! Contact Grabber is a third party application and although we allow the ingestion of data from Contact Gabber, we are not responsible for its features. We will pass this request along to their team.

    Thank you!

  • +1