
Hide one contact from another on a project so both clients and candidates can log-into THE APP to see search updates

We live in a digital world. You want more people to use CW and we need to emotionally tie our candidates and clients in better. Phones are an emotional extension. The more we integrate into the app the more they use the app to reply on us and it becomes part of them through their phone - if there was an option to hide contacts from each other on a project there would be two benefits:

  1. Candidates could also log into the app to check updates not just clients (we would give them limited access and only tick notes we want them to see - often candidates (people - ie us) nowadays do not want to call or email you for updates - they just want to check their phone - we would update CW with the feedback from the clients on the interviews any another notes that would be interesting and relevant to them

2. If we had a sample project for clients to feel how clockwork works (so they use it more) we could create the perfect looking project once only and have say 50 clients with a 2 month log-in and they could practice using it (instead of having to recreate this sample project 50 times from scratch just so we can give a client a log-in) Sometimes they don't get the functionality just from talking them through it on VC and deleting them afterwards - they like to try it til they buy-into it so to speak

  • Guest
  • Apr 21 2022
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