
22 Vote

Stop creating company records automatically. Make approval manual.

The system which scrapes resumes + profiles and automatically generates company records creates too much noise and too much work for users.

The software scrapes too much - it includes false positives and hundreds of duplicates for the same company. I have more than 300 new company records to review in the last 3 days. The noisy data causes problems when searching various parts of clockwork which offer less visibility than the company pane.

A better system would include an additional layer of permission. It would scan the data for duplicates ASK if a new company field should be merged with a suggested record or if a new record should be created. It would not automatically create more noisy data.

We should not have to spend time endlessly merging or reviewing data imports. It's a bad system if it creates more work than it helps to solve.

  • Thomas Hudson
  • Dec 20 2022
  • Attach files
  • +10