
User can retrieve reset password link for any email on their account.


User has entered an email address in the forgot password field.

Design Requirements


User Requirements

  1. User can enter any of their associated account emails in forgot password.

Functional Requirements

When any user enters and email in the forgot password field, check the following:

  1. Is this email associated with an account? if yes, continue to 2; If no, continue to 5.
  2. Is this email the preferred account email? if yes, continue to 3; if no, continue to 4.
  3. Send reset password link to preferred account email address, the same email address entered by user.
  4. Send reset password to preferred account email and to email address entered by user.
  5. Display Error message: “This email is not associated with an account on Clockwork. Please try again.”

User Feedback Requirements

  1. See number 5 above.
  2. For users who have entered an email that is associated with an account AND is not the preferred account email, once the email has been dispatched, display message "Your reset password link has been sent to the email entered and the preferred email saved on your account."
  3. For all entries, once email has been dispatched, display message "Please check your email for your reset password link."
  • Clockwork Product
  • Mar 8 2018
  • Attach files